
Here, we have listed some common questions that you may have about Chiropractic.  If there are any questions you have that we have not answered, feel free to contact us and we will try to answer it.

  • What should I expect on my first visit?
    The first thing a chiropractor will do is ask you about the health complaints about which you are chiefly concerned.  The DC will also ask about your family history, dietary habits, other care you may have had (chiropractic, osteopathic, medical, etc.), your job, and other questions designed to help determine the nature of your illness and the best way to go about treating the problem.

    A physical examination will be performed in accordance with your DC's clinical judgment, which may include x-rays, laboratory analysis and other diagnostic procedures.  In addition, a careful spinal examination and posture analysis will be performed to detect any structural abnormalities, which may be affecting or causing your condition.  All of these elements are important components of your total health profile, and vital to the doctor of chiropractic in evaluating your problem.

    An "adjustment", as Doctors of Chiropractic use the term, means the specific manipulation of vertebrae, which have abnormal movement patterns or fail to function normally.  Doctors of Chiropractic spend years learning motion palpation (the art of examining by movement or touch) and other forms of spinal examining procedures, so that they can administer specific and appropriate spinal adjustments.

    Once the DC has identified the problem, he/she will begin care by way of these adjustments or "manipulations".  Particular attention will be paid to that area of your spine where a spinal derangement or "subluxation" has been detected.  The adjustment is usually given by hand or "activator" type instruments, and consists of applying pressure to the areas of the spine that are out of alignment or that do not move properly within their normal range of motion.  The specific procedure to be used will be determined and explained completely to you following a careful evaluation of your information and physical findings.
  • How long will it take to feel better?
    This is an excellent question and often asked within my office.  However, when treating an individual there is no recipe or cookbook approach to your health.  Each patient receives special attention to properly assess their condition because it is requisite when determining appropriate care.  Some respond quickly while others may take longer depending on how long you've had pain.  Typically patients mention it has come and gone for several months but continually seems to last longer each time the pain occurs.  This is how the body tries to handle stress.  Too much and you will get pain and then the body will get pain and then the body will recuperate until it can't take anymore, so you experience pain again.  Other times it may be an accident or injury which may respond quickly depending on the severity of the problem.  When treating children, they respond quicker than adults because they are young and growing and a complaint is not that old.  Adults have abused their body for a number of years, had "minor" car accidents and other minor acute injuries.  Your body adapts over and over and attempts to prevent further damage, often healing in a weakened state.  Therefore a simple motion like trying to pick up a pen can cause severe low back pain.  It is not the motion of picking up the pen, but the accumulation of micro-traumas sustained by the body.  Studies have shown how muscle fibers become adhesive and lose their elasticity causing muscle tightness but can be reversed with spinal manipulation.  In order for proper spinal healing to occur studies report several adjustments may be needed of your body to adapt, much like the teeth when braces are put on them.  Simply put, gaining weight is a slow process which eventually causes a problem.  When you decide to correct your weight, it is not a quick process either.  It takes time, much like healing your body.
  • Are Chiropractors just good for bad backs?
    Doctors of Chiropractic became the "back" doctor because of our proven success with disc, sciatica, headaches, low back & neck pain and because we work on the back.  However, many people, including pro athletes, seek care for foot, ankle & shoulder pain.  By maintaining balance between the muscle and skeletal system, your body can move and perform the way you want.  Most professional sports have chiropractic available to help their athletes prevent injuries and recuperate quicker.  Too often patients have tried every form of treatment, without relief, except chiropractic.  If you are told it is in your head or you'll have to live with it, maybe you should try chiropractic as millions of others just like you have, and get relief.
  • Will my adjustment hurt?
    No. The adjustment is made after careful analysis by the doctor when he/she places their hands on the patient in a specific way and applies a gentle force to correct the specific location of joint dysfunction or subluxation. You release body tension, endorphins and nervous information throughout your body. Some patients may notice soreness due to the stretching of muscles and correction of mechanical dysfunction; much like wearing orthodontic braces or exercising for the first time.  The body may make a popping noise as correction is made and is merely gas escaping from the joints, like your knuckles.
  • Why have my spine checked if I'm not in pain?
    For the same reason you have dental checkup when you do not have a toothache. For the same reason you have your car serviced when it isn't running badly. It is easier and more economical to catch small or non-existent problems before they become big problems. By keeping the nerves, muscles and skeletal system working together properly, your body will be stress free & healthier.
  • Does Chiropractic cause arthritis?
    No.  In fact, chiropractors help to prevent arthritis from occurring and decrease its progression. Many people suffer from arthritis in the hands, wrists, feet, knees, heps and spine. Chiropractors work to ensure your joints and muscles work and move together as they should. When this is ignored, the mechanical instability leads to joint stress, breakdown degeneration and ultimately arthritis.
  • How well educated is your doctor?
    Basic Science/Pre-Clinical Comparisons
    Chiropractic Hours (minimum) + Subject Medical Hours (minimum) *
    Microbiology/Public Health/Biostatics
    Cell Biology/Histology
    Physical Diagnosis/Clinical Medicine
    1900.8 Total Hours 1556.3

    + An average of required pre-clinical instruction hours during the first two years at 14 chiropractic schools.

    * Average number of required pre-clinical instruction hours durin gthe first two years of the medical school curriculum as listed in the 2000 Curriculum Directory, published by the American Medical Association (AMA).

